As we leave eastern Slovakia, we are struck with the beauty of the area, the generosity of the Rotarians, and the special memories and mementoes we have from our four days and five nights in Spišská Nová Ves (SNV), a city of 40,000 residents who love their country, religion, families, music, good food, nice vino and delicious pivo. This is where the snow-capped Tatra Mountains hold court over the horizon and the Slovenský raj National Park hides hiking trails that follow rushing streams to magnificent waterfalls. This is where few American tourists come, and it’s where we experienced history five times the age of our own country.

Our adventure here in SNV continued with opportunities to be part of so many different things. From castles to churches, from traditional food and dance, to sharing our story with students in a bi-lingual college prep school – we were exposed to so much, and we loved it all! We have danced and laughed and learned and hugged. The small but mighty Rotary Club in Spišská Nová Ves is an amazing group of generous people who have enriched our lives.
[Ed. Note: While Geri enjoyed some well-deserved R&R in SNV one day, the 'fab four' - Alanna, Shannon, Ed, and Justin - set off to explore the forested wonders of Slovenský raj, which literally translates to Slovak Paradise. I have a feeling that being out in the woods really gave them much joy and soul-restoration. My hunch is founded upon the fact that they were so delighted by the natural world they found themselves in that they called me before it was even 6am my time to share their joy with my sleepy self. And with views like the one on the right, I don't blame them! Truly, they must have found a piece of paradise in Slovakia.]
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